Hi my summer loves — soon after I wrote to you three weeks ago I had an ‘off’ day - it was nothing big and I swung back toward center but found myself tipping over the opposite direction the next day, and have watched myself swirl and flap around, increasingly out of balance ever since. I make art about a kind of painful inner world that has felt securely set on the other side of a line that separates then from now until now: now feels like then.
But there are differences, a lot of them actually if I’m looking. For one, I know everywhere in body that this won’t last forever. Second, I used to think that the antidote to feeling like shit was to behave like everything was cool and I would throw myself into doing just that: working, smiling, & “functioning”-highly 🙃 which truly just made a mess. Now, I drop off for three weeks. I reach out to a couple of the right people so the effort counts. I don’t get out of bed, for a while, and then I go on long sad walks and tell the parts of me w…